Blogs for Atacama Crossing (Chile) 2023

Blogs are first-hand accounts written by racers before, during and after each race. They are a great resource for those embarking on a multi-day stage race. We particularly recommend the blog by Andy Haven who completed the Atacama Crossing 2019.

Richard Behringer


Oct 2023

Post-Race Reflections

It has been a little over one week since crossing the finish line in the town square of San Pedro de Atacama. I hope everyone has recovered well. G ...

Robert Nicholson


Oct 2023


Morning team, Stage 6 was a final slog into town 18.7km 'sprint' or hobble in my case. You could feel the excitmenet in the air at the start line ...

Roberto Rivola


Oct 2023

Atacamawüste zum Zweiten

Ich bin die 250 km des Atacamacrossings erfolgreich zum zweiten mal nach 11 Jahren durchgelaufen. Dieses Rennen entspricht tatsächlich dem Motto ...

Ian Lyster


Sep 2023

The Long March

Hello all!   Well, Stage 5, aka The Long March is behind us!  now all that remains is the final 17Km into town tomorrow morning.   ...

Bea Garcia


Sep 2023

Long March, el Valle de la Luna con luna llena. Caminando con el corazón

Hoy es el día de descanso después de acabar aye la etapa larga, en mi caso sobre las 22.20h aprox feliz y con muy buenas sensaciones. ...

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