Gobi March Blogs 2024

Inia Raumati



Gobi March (2024) blog posts from Inia Raumati

28 June 2024 07:15 pm (GMT+08:00) Irkutsk, Ulaan Bataar

Stage 5 post long day average day? Nice weather as had been raining all yesterday and cool and overcast today. Really fast pace from everyone so the rest day must have paid off and some light packs is a bonus. Plenty of river crossings to cool off in and a quick final stage to a nice camp spot. Think like a lot of people I’m pretty done now and just want to finish off tomorrow and go eat and get clean. Not too keen on the long jingle bus trip back to Karakoram though, but a least we can stop off on the way for snacks. 
Race tips 
Bring plenty of food and drink mix variety as flavour fatigue is really!
Dehydrated fruit, biltong, and crushed up chips are light weight, instant noodles and packets of soup, likewise compress down to nothing, and bring a treat! You favourite sweats or drink mix, everything doesn’t have to be all about the calories, sometimes you just need chips/chocolates or a packet of jelly snakes

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Wilma Raumati

Posted On: 29 Jun 2024 12:29 am

Wish I had thought to send you some jelly snakes and chocolates!

27 June 2024 07:00 pm (GMT+08:00) Irkutsk, Ulaan Bataar

More interesting day as many hills and climbs with some good downhills and more variation from the road and tracks. Felt pretty good and managed to get my nutrition down packed chug has likely helped with my overall performance which Amy been too bad considering Peru was only 2 weeks ago.
Helpful tip sleep 
Adequate recovery is important and part of that is being comfortable at the end of the day.
A clean warm set at of clothing is important. I use compression tights that I sleep in, I don’t like running in them but they help keep me warm, I prefer to run in the Ranger shorts by Huntaway Run Co.
A long sleeve Merino top again for sleep only from Opus Fresh, clean socks and a beanie, as my sleeping bag is ultra light Sea to Summits Spark, with an inflatable Mat. Inflatable mats have the advantage of being light and can fit in your pack, te only downside is you can’t lay on them outside in te eat of the day as risk of puncture. It does eat a lot older than what some people think in these races overnight. The other thing I find useful is placing my pack  under the foot of the mat to raise my feet all night and this helps with muscle soreness, combined with Curranz supplements and I’ve been pretty good this race, 2 tabs 2 hours before each day starts, 2 at 5 hours and 2 on finish.

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25 June 2024 08:30 pm (GMT+08:00) Irkutsk, Ulaan Bataar

Day 3 done. Bit more my style today. We started at the yurts then headed up a canyon and over the saddle which got everyone puffing. Up into the hills, down through some old ruins and up past a monastery then over another saddle and down towards the sand dunes. The sand dune section was actually rather short but I enjoyed the hills and the different terrain. Unfortunately we did finish up again on a long stretch of road in the midday sun, which seems to be my nemesis.   Getting the old admin down packed now at the end of each day. 
Shoes off and Oofos on, set up my bed, then wet wipe shower and off to the medical tent to wash my feet. Followed by recovery shake, cup of soup, then gradual ingestion 2 minute noodles and then finally my night time real meals. Todays camp site is a lot hotter,we are in sand dunes and I don’t think its gonna cool down for quite some time yet. Bonus though, there is a cyber cafe in this race and filtre coffee is my saviour and I will be off there soon. 
Helpful race tips
Number 1: Have a small dry bag with toilet paper wet wipes and alcohol gel in it and keep it on the outside pocket of your pack. It’s more hygienic and easily accessible in an emergency.
Number 2: when using a hole in the ground squat toilet wear your jandals and take your pants completely off. Hanging them over the wall lets people know the shitter is occupied and it prevents dropping a dookie into your pants by accident

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Posted On: 26 Jun 2024 10:59 am

High kudos to you, Inia. Making us kiwis proud. Love ur blog. Keep up the great work. Following you from Hong Kong. Sophia

Sam Fanshawe

Posted On: 26 Jun 2024 09:11 am

Amazing effort Inia. Such a crazy year you're having. Looks like you're marching through The Long March - although more nemsis trails today. Paul says hi (and "what is he doing out there"). Toilet tips are noted!

Sonia Pahwa

Posted On: 25 Jun 2024 05:26 pm

Great blog and tips - thank you! I like how you say it like it is. Also, thank you for the email - wow, it's so kind of you to do that while you're out there expending so much energy. I'm glad day 3 was your style and went well for you. We'll be watching the long march and rooting you on! So much happens on that long day; I hope the challenges, support, good moments, and your fortitude carry you through smoothly and can be used to propel you through to the home stretch! By the time you read this, you will be done the longest stage - congratulations!!! You made it and it's all finishing up from here. Wising you good rest, recovery, and prep for the jaunt home. The hardest part is done and now for the gravy - enjoy and kudos to you!

Narayan Bharadwaj

Posted On: 25 Jun 2024 03:43 pm

Way to go Inia! I've been following your progress with great interest. You're moving through nicely. Take it easy on the long march and finish strong! More power to you my friend 🙌🙌

Wilma Raumati

Posted On: 25 Jun 2024 03:11 pm

Enjoying reading all about it, especially when I can’t sleep. Feel I am there with you. You are doing fine.

24 June 2024 07:00 pm (GMT+08:00) Irkutsk, Ulaan Bataar

Today was longer 45km or so and I felt pretty tired and sore, my left hip is flaring up again and the legs just have no juice left in them.

Started ok but struggled for the second stage 13km and dropped right back and thought that was me for the day, started walking and just enjoying myself.

Most of the race is on farm tracks and quite fast so was well back in the pack. However come the 3rd and 4th stages heaps of people must have overcooked themselves in the heat and I slowly started to pass people.

Don’t know where I cam in today but I know I will have to slow down for tomorrow as pretty fatigued.

The Peruvian cough has flared up again and bringing up some lovely lung butter but at least my ass has slowed down.

Unfortunately one of our tent mates pulled the pin today, bit of heat stress.

Feet are holding up pretty good, I think the skin now is tougher than a woodpeckers lips with all the running.

Gera is holding up great, glad I brought my Oofos along, always worth the extra weight.

The Curran’s are helping I think with what little recovery my body can muster and as always the Manuka Performance is keeping me going.

I may run out of carbohydrate drink mix come stage 5 but will see.

Am managing to eat noodles and even some rehydrated meals (Real meals) which is a bit of a bonus,

I think I’m quite well adjusted to heat now which helps. Will aim to have an easier day tomorrow to try and get some relative rest in before the long day as I think the fatigue will show as the days go on.

The Mongolian people are so lovely and polite and we ran passed heaps of tradition yurts? Today as most farmers still live in them.

Plenty of big ass eagles/birds of prey around as well, probably waiting for me to keel over for a snack.

Sleeping in yurts tonight so plenty of room.--

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Jan Tappin

Posted On: 25 Jun 2024 05:31 am

You are amazing ! Well done . Keep in your mind what your goal is and you are making a difference

Simon Munro

Posted On: 24 Jun 2024 11:29 pm

Awesome work, Inia! Great job in Peru, and the first couple of days in Gobi! You definitely know how to manage a race. And given you avoided a blowout today, and finally got bit more proper food in you for fuel, I'm backing you to smash the next couple of stages. The race sounds amazing - so envious. I see you're a Wild Onion now, but you'll always be an Ostrich to me! 😂 You got this, bro. Kia kaha!

Wilma Raumati

Posted On: 24 Jun 2024 10:28 pm

Just found the blogs. You are doing ok. Like Stew used to say ‘Keep cool til after school.’ You can do it. Loved your quote about the concrete pill. I need one here Bad case of the trots! Love mum ps I am running with you right on your shoulder.

23 June 2024 10:00 pm (GMT+08:00) Irkutsk, Ulaan Bataar

Day 1 down.

Luckily it was a fairly gentle introduction to the Gobi, with only 36km and mainly gentle rolling farm tracks, with only 1 hill climb, still my legs were suffering a bit as massively fatigued (2 weeks post Jungle Ultra).

Good news is I’m coughing up all that Peruvian crap finally, bad news is I’m on the Imodium to slow the bowels down and the shitters here are a hole in the ground with a wooden plank each side which quickly builds up like a dirty ass snow cone in the middle (advise, get in early).

Otherwise besides from some great views, the course was pretty straight forward today and I took it pretty easy as a long week ahead and may have to go even slower tomorrow. Our tent is called wild onions, we obviously missed out on all the cool names, but it has now been renamed fragrant onions for obvious reasons.

Got a couple of snorers in the tent but I struggled to sleep last night anyway so no drama.

Done all my ablutions already, had a recovery shake and a cup a soup, may catch a quick snooze before mash for dinner and some 2 minute noodles

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Sonia Pahwa

Posted On: 23 Jun 2024 05:43 pm

Oh my goodness I love your blog post. I did my first ultra in Atacama last year. Your write up for stage 1 of Mongolia provides some important gems, suggestions, and things to consider lol! Very informative and appreciated :) You cover salient points that are not to be overlooked! I look forward to reading more. And for now, I wish you a great stage 2 day and will be cheering you on from across steppes and ponds!