Gobi March Blogs 2024

Scott Nagao



Gobi March (2024) blog posts from Scott Nagao

29 June 2024 05:53 pm (GMT+08:00) Beijing, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Urumqi

We had our last mini push to the finish line today.  Even though it was a much shorter course, we still had to start with an ice cold river crossing at 630 am!  It was an amazing run though into an old monastery where many pizzas and cokes awaited us.  I haven’t drank coke in like 10 years, but it was glorious.
Lots of congrats and hugs at the end from people we met along the way.  One amazing surprise was that Winnie’s husband surprised her at the finish line.  It was great to see a familiar face, and it also meant we were able to skip the buses and hop a comfortable ride back with him to the hotel in a car 😀
Overall, this has been an amazing experience.  I can’t say that I’m not super gutted after starting way above expectations then not being able to do what I trained to do after day 3.  But that is life.  Going this distance in the conditions we did is something I’m undoubtedly proud of.  Congrats to my teammates on unreal results, Iain with a top 10 finish, and Winnie on a top 5 womens finish.
Relaxing in the hotel now, waiting for the awards banquet.  Every piece of food I eat literally tastes like the best thing ever.  Let’s see what adventure is next.

Comments: Total (3) comments

Robert Marringa

Posted On: 01 Jul 2024 12:46 am

Congratulations on your finish Scott. Memories and lessons that last a lifetime. Safe travels home. Rob

Steven Mcguigan

Posted On: 30 Jun 2024 06:13 am

Herculean effort ! What an incredible adventure and achievement. Amazing to get through it to the end despite the knee troubles - expect your feet don’t look too pretty either …Enjoy the pizza and coke, hopefully you find a beer there soon too. In awe. Legend (you not me!)

Celine Kwok

Posted On: 29 Jun 2024 11:58 am

Congraz Scott and team!! Very well done and so proud of you! You guys are truly inspirational, and I have been following through the races! You guys nailed it ^^ Rest well and speedy recovery on your knee! Can’t wait to celebrate the happiness and see you in the office! Enjoy the long weekend - well deserved! Once again - congratulation to our heroesss

28 June 2024 07:30 pm (GMT+08:00) Irkutsk, Ulaan Bataar

The rest day yesterday was simply amazing.  Having a full day to actually get some calories in, put your feet up to bring the swelling down, and have time let the medics help your toes was a god send.
I think it was first night where I actually felt like I slept, which also means that it was the first morning I really didn’t want to get out of my sleeping pad and sleeping bag!  Yet, we all did and pushed to the start line.
I managed the course a bit better today than the previous two days.  I attribute that to more gentle terrain, better weather, a rest day, and verrry strong pain killers.  The scenery today was pretty unbelievable once again.  Rolling hills, wild packs of horses galloping, cows staring at you as you run by, families in yurts smiling, and lots of river crossings.
One more tiny push to go tomorrow, then a bit of a party back in Ulan Batar to ease our aches and pains.  Despite the challenges, I couldn’t be more grateful for my amazing team mates (Iain bib 59 and Winnie bib 59) to keep picking me up and pushing me on.
Over the last two days, another one of my biggest motivations to keep putting one foot in front of the other has been the amazing messages and comments from friends, family, co-workers, family of friends, etc.  I truly appreciate all the love and will write about all my lessons learned after I get back from Mongolia.

Comments: Total (8) comments

Yuliya Son

Posted On: 29 Jun 2024 07:23 am

Amazing result, Scott! Congratulations! All of Hong Kong watched as you pushed through the pain and achieved your goals. Truly inspirational!

Katie Petering

Posted On: 29 Jun 2024 05:50 am

Scott you are an inspiration! So fantastic to hear how well you’re going. All the best for the final leg!

Ryan McKenzie

Posted On: 29 Jun 2024 01:07 am

Mongolia's not know for their poppy fields so Im guessing them painkillers are imported… So so close now… Stay strong brother ✊✊✊

Margaret Durham

Posted On: 28 Jun 2024 04:27 pm

Scotty, we are so incredibly proud of you. Ron, the girls and I are following you everyday. You are amazing. Enjoy, we can’t wait to hear all about it in person. Take care. Ron, Margaret, Emma and Dana

Dmitriy Agadzhanov

Posted On: 28 Jun 2024 03:39 pm

Love reading your posts, what an incredible journey and what an epic effort!! The pain is temporary, but these memories will last a lifetime. Keep at it, my friend, you're nearly there!

Jeremy Inabnit

Posted On: 28 Jun 2024 01:38 pm

You've done so well, Scott! You are a warrior!! So great to see you and Iain and Winnie support each other and push through these incredible challenges. Just a bit more! Finish strong and celebrate well!!

Carol Nagao

Posted On: 28 Jun 2024 01:29 pm

So proud of you, your heart, your determination, and all you’ve accomplished. I’m sure tomorrow will be a bit bittersweet. But you’ll be taking this amazing place and experience home in your heart to be with you forever! Go Scott! Have a great last race tomorrow! ❤️

Dina Nagao

Posted On: 28 Jun 2024 01:20 pm

We are so proud of you!

27 June 2024 10:30 pm (GMT+08:00) Irkutsk, Ulaan Bataar

Well, here I am back at camp on rest day 5.  I made it.  I can safely say that yesterday was one of the hardest things I've ever done in my life.  Starting the day, I was optimistic it would not be too bad.  I knew it would be long, but thought I could trot through.  My pain killers were working well the first couple hours and I was actually able to move.
Unfortunately, it was not to be for much longer.  About 5 hours in, with the terrain and some pain coming back, it came back to a fairly slow walk.  My nutrition strategy was built on the expectatin of running, which as it turns out, needs to be a MUCH different strategy than walking.  With the temps scorching hot again and just being on my feet for hours, it was impossible to eat my chews and drink elecltrolytes.  That, is what made this trek so hard - was more or less feeling ill for 7 hours.
But, I kept telling myself that as long as Ive got my wits about me, just keep pushing on.  I got to check point 6, which was about 55km in, and we were allowed to rest there.  So after 30 min nap and a Coke, I started to revive.  Or so I thought.  As I left the check point, I immediately made a wrong turn, but very fortunately, an amazing competitor here called Natascha from Germany (bib 39 if you want to give her a shout out) flagged me down.  She was in a similar place I was, and we decided to walk the last 24 km together.  By this time, it was dark, and all we had were our headlamps to lead the way.  Despite the pain, we powered through together and finally made it (after lots of curses and reassuring each other the final camp was just around the corner, which it wasnt, ha).
Even with the issues, one thing for sure is that the Mongolian desert/country side is absolutely stunning.  The things you see in pictures and movies, is absolutely true here.  Little kids riding their bikes along side you, offereing you treats from their yurts, and everyone smiling repeating whatever english phrase the earlier runner said (usually hello!).  As much as I hated yesterday, I'm sure I will still look back on it as a highlight.
So back to camp for me, going to try and rehydrate and eat more food.  And more importantly, figure out how I can manage through the next 42 km better than today :) Thanks all for the messages and comments, making me tear up writing in the tent!

Comments: Total (15) comments

Ben Berghaendler

Posted On: 28 Jun 2024 06:33 am

Scott, it's so impressive to read about your journey and how your are pushing through it! Glad our fellow Germans are their to give you company and the pain is only half as bad if you can share it with somebody. :-) We are all rooting for you and thanks for finding the energy to blog along the way! Best of luck for the rest of the race!

Charlotte Court

Posted On: 28 Jun 2024 06:31 am

Unbelievable Scott! I'm so impressed. Well done, it's all going to be better now that is out of the way! Nearly done!

Christopher Westcott

Posted On: 28 Jun 2024 06:05 am

Your legendary status continues to grow, Xavier is one lucky lad to have an inspirational Dad like you. Love from the Dubs

Ryan McKenzie

Posted On: 28 Jun 2024 05:17 am

Awesome getting through it ! Sounds crazy and amazing… If only one of them kids had pegs on their bike 😂

Andrew Lok

Posted On: 28 Jun 2024 02:02 am

Amazing accomplishment already Scott! 17 hours is a long time. You are an inspiration for the whole office. Keep going!

Marissa Guiang

Posted On: 28 Jun 2024 01:32 am

You made it through the previous stage - you can make it to the end! Cheering you on and tracking you all the way. Keep up the amazing strength and grit!

Christian Maiw

Posted On: 28 Jun 2024 01:17 am

Hey Scott, very impressive what you already have achieved! I send you greetings from your Typhoon family and your old hood in Soho189! Keep rocking it, the finish line is getting closer. Christian

HT Kim

Posted On: 28 Jun 2024 12:16 am

Truly inspirational Scott. What you have achieved and are doing is just awesome! You should be super proud of yourself. Wishing you the best! See you back in HK.

Yuliya Son

Posted On: 27 Jun 2024 11:23 pm

This is absolutely inspirational, well done, Scott! You are almost there. The worst is over! Can't wait to hear all the stories when you guys are back in Hong Kong! The willpower and grit...just incredible. Sending you the best of luck at the finish line!

Jeremy Inabnit

Posted On: 27 Jun 2024 08:33 pm

It’s really great to hear from you, Scott. I think you’re right that you’ll look back on this day as a highlight. It’s not often that we get so broken down that we feel everything - all the pain in all the places, the thirst, the hunger, the crazy fatigue, the mental strain… And it’s not often that we have to dig really really deep and find out if we are as strong as we tell ourselves. The Long March showed you how incredibly strong and resilient you are. You’ll never forget that. Keep going strong, Scott! You’ve got this!

C Scott Nagao

Posted On: 27 Jun 2024 04:01 pm

Scott, thank you so much for your blogs. Amidst the worrying, it gives us comfort and pride to hear your direct words about this experience. While trying to imagine all the challenges you are fighting through this week, one word has come immediately to mind: “Gaman.” I would often hear this Japanese word from my parents, your grandparents of course, whenever I whined or complained about things. Gaman translates to enduring the seemingly unbearable with patience and dignity. It emphasizes perseverance, resilience, and self-discipline in the face of hardship or adversity. Gaman is about staying strong and not giving up, even in difficult circumstances. You are perfect example of Gaman.

Mike Nagao

Posted On: 27 Jun 2024 03:44 pm

Keep pushing dude! What an accomplishment even at this stage. This is way more impressive than any hole in ones, and makes me feel like a weak man following along with your journey. You got this, one foot in front of the other. We will have plenty of good nourishment in the form of delicious bbq'd meats when you get back stateside, and you can tell us all about your amazing accomplishment competing in, and FINISHING this race! Love you man.

Carol Nagao

Posted On: 27 Jun 2024 03:21 pm

We were worried sick when your tracker stopped! Thank goodness for caring fellow trekkers helping you along the way. Your perseverance and heart are just remarkable in light of your injury. Thinking of you and sending love and good vibes for your remaining challenge. Can’t wait till you’re home and sharing all the amazing stories of this adventure! ❤️❤️❤️

Jeff Inabnit

Posted On: 27 Jun 2024 03:05 pm

I’m sorry that your injury has prevented you from running the race you envisioned. However, one year, five years, ten years from now you will remember the tenacity and perseverance that you found inside yourself in Gobi and draw on it when you need it. You can’t buy that kind of self confidence. You’ve proven yourself to be amazing and you’ll have many other successes in the future.

Roger Parker

Posted On: 27 Jun 2024 02:57 pm

Well done Scott.......I must say, when your tracker packed up in the middle of nowhere we got worried, especially given your comments from the previous stage about your knee. Anyhow, you made it...and nothing else will be as bad now. Go for it and take care.

25 June 2024 08:30 pm (GMT+08:00) Irkutsk, Ulaan Bataar

After a not great night sleep, I was worried in the morning if I would be able to get going for the massive scramble up a 300 m climb that started todays course.  Fortunately, everything clicked when I ate my first chew and I was off to a great start going up the mountain.  Unfortunately, what followed the 300 m climb was a 600 m descend, and it sadly pushed my knee over the edge.  My worst fear realised, ahhh!  So I basically limped the rest of the 37km from there and was out on the course in 42 degree (Celsius for my US people) heat for 7.5 hours.
It has been a tough day, and now back at camp.  Sadly, I think I have no choice but to walk the rest of the 130 km or however much is left.  Walking today was actually much more difficult than running, so I am definitely a bit nervous.  I am pretty disappointed, but the people here are amazing, and it has been incredible to see all the messages and comments people have sent.  Honestly, it is a motivation for me to continue.
If I can make it through the long day tomorrow (77km!) I will post back here.

Comments: Total (12) comments

Paul Clarke

Posted On: 26 Jun 2024 09:14 am

There are so many people inspired by what you are doing, it is amazing. Hope your knee holds up for the remaining stages.

Christopher Westcott

Posted On: 26 Jun 2024 08:06 am

Ah man, gutted for you and also amazed by your fortitude. Fingers crossed you make it to the end

Alisa Milburn

Posted On: 26 Jun 2024 01:22 am

No matter what happens with the knee - you have turned up and are doing an amazing effort!

Marissa Guiang

Posted On: 26 Jun 2024 12:28 am

Your mental fortitude is amazing, and that’s what’s going to give your body the strength to keep pushing forward. One of my favorite running quotes is, “Your mind will quit a thousand times before your body will. Feel the fear and do it anyway.” YOU’VE GOT THIS!

Ryan McKenzie

Posted On: 25 Jun 2024 09:45 pm

Damn, sucks about the knee… cruise control the rest of the way 🦾🦾🦾


Posted On: 25 Jun 2024 07:44 pm

Hey Scott, I am following your blog as you are a team mate of Iain, who is my son in law. Your spirit shines through in your blog, and I was disturbed to read about your knee. Run or walk your team mates will be inspired by your determination and spirit so keep going and take care. I look forward to your next chapter and hope that a good nights rest and maybe some physio (?) gets you off to a great start. Well done.

Carol Nagao

Posted On: 25 Jun 2024 07:10 pm

So incredibly proud of you and all you are enduring and accomplishing. Sending good vibes for your knee to hold out. But if not, you can be so proud of the outstanding effort and heart you’ve put in! For some reason I don’t see the other comments I’ve sent but know that we’re all routing for you and sending warm hugs and love your way! ❤️ Mom

Jeremy Inabnit

Posted On: 25 Jun 2024 03:52 pm

Super tough day out there, Scott. Even without the knee issue, this was going to be a challenging stage. If anyone can keep a cool mind and live to fight another day, it's YOU. Keep going strong! We're all cheering for you!!

Piyush M

Posted On: 25 Jun 2024 03:05 pm

Ah, sorry to hear that Scott. Sending you strength and your knee some good vibes!

Delia Azahari

Posted On: 25 Jun 2024 02:49 pm

Man, reading your posts is pretty damn inspiring. I still think you’re absolutely mental but that’s also how i know you’re going to continue the amazing job you’ve been doing. Rooting for you Scott!!!

Belinda Boa

Posted On: 25 Jun 2024 02:46 pm

Sorry to hear Scott! Hopefully you get a bit of rest tonight. Good luck with the long stage tomorrow .🤞knee holds up!

Charlotte Court

Posted On: 25 Jun 2024 02:05 pm

Ah Scott, I'm so sorry to hear about your knee. I hope it's not too painful. I know U can make it tomorrow, U are almost halfway and done a fantastic job so far. Blackrock did their fundraiser today and U guys have raised so much money it's incredible! U should be super proud of yourselves xxx

24 June 2024 05:00 pm (GMT+08:00) Irkutsk, Ulaan Bataar

Before I write about today, Iain and Winne have forced me to write about a mishap on the first night at camp.  Long story short is that I obsessed over saving 10 g on metal vs plastic spork to bring opting for the light one.  First night while stirring my meal, its snapped.  Oh well, such is life and now I have a thumb sized spoon.
Today was a humbling experience.  The plan was to go out super slow then maintain and maybe pick up towards the end.  First half went great, but the second half probably went out a bit to hard.  It all worked out ok, and placed 7th on the day (wayyyy better than expected), but was definitely feeling the effects in the last 15km.  My creeking ship body parts are holding up, but was feeling a bit of cramps at the end probably from the accumulated effort.
The course was another amazing view today.  Lots of cows, amazing valleys, and a long 14 km stretch that Iain and I ran together, which was a highlight.
The lesson for tomorrow is to take it suuuuuper easy.  After today, couldn’t imagine doing 77km in the same way.  Let see how it goes.

Comments: Total (10) comments

Desiree Fong

Posted On: 25 Jun 2024 09:35 am

Nooo not your favourite spork!! The good news is that your bag is now 10g++ lighter! Keep powering on - you guys are incredible!

Marissa Guiang

Posted On: 25 Jun 2024 01:57 am

Keep up the amazing work! Maybe you can make an origami spoon with some of your food packaging :)

Jennifer Brann

Posted On: 24 Jun 2024 06:56 pm

Wow, Scott! This looks incredible - congrats to you for taking the journey. I can't wait to hear about the next few days. You got this!

Ryan McKenzie

Posted On: 24 Jun 2024 12:15 pm

Bummer on the spork… grab a couple of twigs to make yourself some chopsticks ?

Margaret Durham

Posted On: 24 Jun 2024 12:01 pm

You are so strong and conditioned, but listen to your body. We will have a metal spork for you when you come home!

Mike Nagao

Posted On: 24 Jun 2024 11:38 am

This is so cool man. You are a beast! Like coach Corson used to say, you gotta put the miles on the legs! Keep going strong, wildly proud of you man.

andrea westcott

Posted On: 24 Jun 2024 11:13 am

way to go! this is seriously impressive stuff! There I was happy with my 8 mile jog yesterday :o) make sure you take it super easy and don't blow up - you're better off enjoying the journey

Jeremy Inabnit

Posted On: 24 Jun 2024 10:35 am

Well done, Scott! You're smashing it. Two days down. Your body is on board now and knows this is your new normal. :) Keep going strong!! Btw, I probably mentioned this but I took a very short spoon and I'm not sure it was worth it to have my hand scraping the inside of my food bag and then stained with curry half the week.

Charlotte Court

Posted On: 24 Jun 2024 09:37 am

Yayyy Scott, congratulations, 2 races down! Iain also said it was a struggle towards the end, have a slow one tomorrow and U will be grand I'm sure! Hoping Winnie is doing ok also. Look forward to seeing U smash it tomorrow! Love Charlotte xxx

Piyush M

Posted On: 24 Jun 2024 09:35 am

Going strong Scott and team! And fast too! I've been spending a fair bit of time dot watching your GPSes. All the best for the next few days, enjoy the views and take care of the body - hope it recovers well and holds up nicely for the week .

23 June 2024 06:00 pm (GMT+08:00) Irkutsk, Ulaan Bataar

Wow, pretty crazy journey here already.  The day we left for Ulan Batar our flight was delayed for 4 hours because it was SNOWING there.  Yes, legit snow.  On top of that, our flight was delayed another hour because a guy got drunk during the delay and they had to kick him off the plane.
As for the actual stage 1 race, the scenery out here is absolutely incredible.  Todays was course was mostly rolling flats, with a big hill climb toward the last 3rd which blew out a lot of people.  Hills like that in Hong are quite common, so it was luckily a place where I was able to pick up some ground.  Weather was freezing at night, mild at start, and quickly got very hot by the time we were mid course.  The knee held up decently, but definitely is still painful.  Hoping that lots of stretching and chilling before the evening will help.  Came in 8th place for stage 1, which I was pretty shocked and quite happy about.
Back to camp to hang out, maybe drink a coffee, freeze dried meal for dinner later, then bed.  As long as I am completing these stages and feeling ok, I’ll try to keep posting!

Comments: Total (15) comments

Inti Tam

Posted On: 25 Jun 2024 09:17 am

Well done Scott and thank you for supporting TWF!

Nate Gray

Posted On: 25 Jun 2024 02:20 am

Months and months of disciplined work paying off here - doing amazing Scott! Hope the knee is holding up. Keep the mind right and the rest will follow!

Helen Jewell

Posted On: 24 Jun 2024 04:30 pm

Amazing stuff! Well done Scott.

Becci McKinley-Rowe

Posted On: 24 Jun 2024 01:07 pm

Scott, this is amazing! WOW, in awe. Great reading the daily updates. Go Scott Go! All thinking of you.

Margaret Durham

Posted On: 24 Jun 2024 11:56 am

Watching you everyday. We can’t wait to hear all about it. You are amazing.

carrie king

Posted On: 24 Jun 2024 11:49 am

SCOTT!!! Power On!

Christopher Westcott

Posted On: 24 Jun 2024 09:58 am

Awesome job Scott, remember NKOTB and Hang Tough!

Paul Clarke

Posted On: 24 Jun 2024 08:22 am

Mind blowing stuff. Amazing to read this and see how well all three of you are doing. Keep going!

Alisa M

Posted On: 24 Jun 2024 08:09 am

Amazing Scott! keep going we are watching from afar!

Belinda Boa

Posted On: 24 Jun 2024 07:42 am

Sounds amazing Scott. Well done team BLK - you are doing so well!

Dina Nagao

Posted On: 24 Jun 2024 05:55 am

Great job, babe! All of you guys are doing great. Keep it up!!! xoxo

Marissa Guiang

Posted On: 24 Jun 2024 02:11 am

Keep up the amazing work, Scott! So much fun tracking you throughout the day while I'm at work haha. Holding down the fort in the office!

Charlotte Court

Posted On: 23 Jun 2024 11:26 pm

Woohoo!!! Awesome work Scott! I tracked the three of you for most of yesterday morning and was so impressed with where U all placed! It looks beautiful. Glad the knee is holding up, looks like iains Achilles is also! Looking forward to hearing more. Best of luck for tomorrow I will be rooting for team Blackrock! Charlotte xxxx

Jeremy Inabnit

Posted On: 23 Jun 2024 04:04 pm

Scott, you're crushing it! Fantastic first stage. Good work dragging that knee along for the ride! It's great to hear from you so thanks for sharing. Looking forward to tomorrow (but don't sweat it if you can't post every day)! Have another great day tomorrow. You've got this! You eat hills like this every day for breakfast! -Jeremy

Robert Marringa

Posted On: 23 Jun 2024 02:12 pm

Hey Scott I'm a fellow adventurer being coached by Jeremey. He advised us of your success in the race stage. Way to kill it! While you may encounter more adversity, you're ready for this. Being able to handle the extremes of heat and cold during a single stage is a triumph to preparation. Looking forward to learning from your experience. Stay resilient. Best of luck with the knees, Rob [Kansas City - USA]