Gobi March Blogs 2024

Matthew Reynolds



Gobi March (2024) blog posts from Matthew Reynolds

28 June 2024 07:20 pm (GMT+08:00) Irkutsk, Ulaan Bataar

Last stage was actually better than expected, the rest day was absolutely amazing - it rained for pretty much the whole day so we were forced to stay in the tents which is probably the best thing that could have happened.
We ran the first half of this stage and then took the last 20 more chill - the downhill took the rest of the oil out of the knees so glad it was the last real stage.
Absolutely amazing scenery as we were coming through the valley and through the forest, took the sting off the other pains. Blister count is up to 7.
Only got about 10km left in the tank. 
Thanks again for the comments, appreciate it!

Comments: Total (3) comments

clinton mack

Posted On: 30 Jun 2024 02:14 pm

You boys are bionic!! CONGRATULATIONS on such a remarkable achievement and I’m sure it’s an experience you’ll never forget. Now it’s time for a family Ultra that I know you all are capable of doing. You Reynolds are as tough as they come. Bloody champions, the both of you!

David Grosse

Posted On: 29 Jun 2024 05:54 am

Huge congrats to you and Andy. Enjoy the rest and recuperation and downing a few cold ones tonight. Only one more stage to go now - the bus journey back to Ulaan Bator

Charles Kinsley

Posted On: 29 Jun 2024 12:15 am

Great effort guys. Enjoy the last section. An unforgettable experience I’m sure.

27 June 2024 09:00 pm (GMT+08:00) Irkutsk, Ulaan Bataar

Thank you all for the kind words everyone, really appreciate it and means a lot. This long stage was brutal, definitely one of the hardest things I have done - couple tricky sections and the last 12km for me was in the dark (I came in just before the rain but Andy was walking for 1hr plus in the heavy stuff in the dark). Walked with dad for the first 25km but had a bit more juice left in the knees so powered on ahead - definitely feeling it this morning but dad is a bit worse for wear. Really tough last couple sections but dad obviously powered through - pure willpower fueled the last push but happy to be in. 
Thanks for the tips DG, even if I have to crawl over the finish line it will happen tomorrow. Not sure if it is the genes Clinton or just pure insanity but we will take it!
Mum - shame to hear about Liam's tournament, hopefully today is a better one (hope you are enjoying the city though).

Comments: Total (6) comments

David Grosse

Posted On: 28 Jun 2024 07:08 am

Well done Matt and Andy for completing the brutal long day. I look forward to hearing the stories on the ups and downs and the fruity language from Andy as the painkillers wore off. By the time this message comes though you should have also done stage 5 - so nearly there. You can now fantasise about having your feet up at the weekend with a cold one in hand , watching SA win the T20 WC.

David Sun

Posted On: 27 Jun 2024 11:37 pm

Fantastic gents. Really quite unbelievable. Surprised you didn’t have to carry Andy over the line. Whatever pain killers he’s got I want em. Have a great last day.

Sharon Grosse

Posted On: 27 Jun 2024 07:34 pm

Fabulous effort Matt with great times in punishing landscapes and conditions. The old boy and his crappy knees are doing sterling stuff too. You’re almost there, finishing line in sniffing distance. I know you’ll both embrace the final stage and the finish.

Lara Reynolds

Posted On: 27 Jun 2024 06:11 pm

Well done!!!! You guys have now only got that one last push left! You both can do it! Its really the most beautiful stage! Just think of the fact that you can then say you have done a real Ultra marathon - Matt! All of the best💪

Ronan Reynolds

Posted On: 27 Jun 2024 06:04 pm

Congrats Matt, never doubted you’d make it 💪 you’re on the home stretch now, though I imagine you and dad may be puttering forward on one and a half cylinders, just keep up the momentum. All the best

Nadine Rolland

Posted On: 27 Jun 2024 04:34 pm

Wow -well done Andy and Matt - I doff my hat to you both 🤗 Good luck with the last stages.

25 June 2024 08:35 pm (GMT+08:00) Irkutsk, Ulaan Bataar

Way too hot today - the first couple climbs out of camp were intense but we got through it well. Both of us were doing well and felt good coming out of the sand dunes and going into checkpoint 3 we were at a comfortable place without too many complaints, but the last 10km were brutal in the worst of the sun. They added two water stops between the last two checkpoints because it was too hot, just to give you a taste. 
Got the long stage tomorrow, Andy’s knees are being powered by pure will and painkillers so don’t expect any quick finish out of either of us. Only good news is that my pack strap can no longer sit underneath my muffin top so don’t worry Garth, the reserves are being used! Good to hear about your travels mum - unfortunately I have a beauty on a toe I have never gotten a blister on so the next couple days should be fun. 
Thanks for the update Lourens! Look forward to watching us in the final when we get back online….

Comments: Total (13) comments

Lara Reynolds

Posted On: 27 Jun 2024 12:59 pm

Hey Matt, Stage 4 - what’s happening - are you not blogging today? Hope you make it to the media tent! Hopefully the wounds will heal in time for tmorrow. Thinking of you guys!

Rajiv Hingoo

Posted On: 26 Jun 2024 12:49 pm

Super stuff Matt and Andy! I am sure Andy is in John Rambo mode already to finish the trek.. knees and ankles are not hurdles as we know from past trends.

Sam Fanshawe

Posted On: 26 Jun 2024 09:05 am

So good to see you out there adding to the Reynolds considerable RacingThePlanet medal tally! What a memory to do this with your dad (say hi to him from me). Easy on the painkillers although David has told the world about your dad's special stash so probably not so many left anymore.

T Rajah

Posted On: 26 Jun 2024 06:48 am

Andy and Matt, Well done, this challenge was always going to be tough on your bodies, but you've both done so well. Keep it going – the end is not far now. You've got this..

Ronan Reynolds

Posted On: 26 Jun 2024 05:51 am

Hey Matt, not willing to jinx you completing the big one today, but I’m sure you’ll do your best. It’s gonna be brutal for sure, well done if you got in before the sun rises. Good luck 🫡

Hilly Dannaoui

Posted On: 26 Jun 2024 12:31 am

Amazing effort so far lads! Good luck tomorrow.

Yiannis Toumazou

Posted On: 25 Jun 2024 08:14 pm

Good luck at the long stage gents! Keep it up🙌💪

Lara Reynolds

Posted On: 25 Jun 2024 07:44 pm

Well done!!! You guys made it half way🥳 Due to our time difference you will also only read this after the long day! Enjoy the rest day and make sure you look after that blister. 1 Blister on day 3 is absolutely fine Matt. Honestly, I would rather have been there with you guys than next to the tennis court. Boys didn’t have a good day today, they lost 3 of the four matches and tomorrow Liam has two games. The competition is really tough. Have fun - you can nearly taste those pizzas at the finish line😉

Edoardo Bonfanti

Posted On: 25 Jun 2024 07:42 pm

Keep it up Matty!! Big hug from the Jefferies boys <3

Nadine Rolland

Posted On: 25 Jun 2024 05:14 pm

Good luck tomorrow Matthew and Andy - you have lots of time - so you can take it easy. Have a good rest on Thursday, and you are nearly done.

Yolande Hansen

Posted On: 25 Jun 2024 03:45 pm

Well done Andy and Matt !! Good luck for the long haul tomorrow - may be tough 🥲 let’s us know how it went, just look after dad’s knees 🤩

Belinda Boa

Posted On: 25 Jun 2024 02:49 pm

Matt / Andy - well done so far! Awesome you are doing this together! Good luck tomorrow!

David Grosse

Posted On: 25 Jun 2024 02:06 pm

Good going you 2. Keep it up. The good news is that by the time you read this you will have done the long day, so will nearly be there. And day 5 is not too bad if the weather behaves - a marathon up an Alpine like valley and a cool river crossing to complete. Enjoy the rest day once you have done the long one. Further congrats on sticking together the whole way. Hope the vibe in the Tent is good and no-one has fallen in the long (short) drop toilets. SA v Afghanistan T20 Semi on Thursday....so surely you are nailed on for the final.....or..

24 June 2024 07:10 pm (GMT+08:00) Irkutsk, Ulaan Bataar

Thanks all for the support and the votes of confidence, don’t worry Garth we are also exceeding our expectations (how did the marathon go?)…
Was a tough stage today, was extremely hot as we were finishing section 2 which drained us a lot - essentially walked the last 10+ km. Both of our knees are still intact as of now, but Andy’s are a bit worse for wear (those injections are starting to wear off unfortunately).
Thanks for the tips DG, I think we are going to take it steady tomorrow because looking at that climb now it looks like a stage killer. Need to get both of you into this race (Garth and Ronan) - we can fill out the tent. 
Good news about the boks, unfortunate about the Bulls though - thanks Lourens!

Comments: Total (6) comments

Clinton Mack

Posted On: 25 Jun 2024 08:23 am

You’ve both nailed the opening stages boys. Not at all surprised. Thinking you’re in the midst of stage 3, before tackling the beast of stage 4. Recover well and go get them for the 80km. You’ve well and truly surpassed the proverb of “it’s a marathon, not a sprint”. It’s an ULTRA!! You both have the mental fortitude of a bull. Must be those SA genes. Will be cheering from afar and sending every ounce of energy your way.

Lara Reynolds

Posted On: 25 Jun 2024 04:33 am

Apologies — I lost a day with all the travelling! You are busy with day 3 not 4 😜. Hope you guys enjoyed that climb out of camp!

Lara Reynolds

Posted On: 25 Jun 2024 04:27 am

You two are doing great! Very impressed with your day 3 results. Now just to get through the long day, which you must have started by now. The foot taping must have worked because I didn’t see anything about blisters! That’s half the race completed Matt and if you don’t have blisters you have done really well! We arrived in Budapest late afternoon and Liam has his first match at noon today. I might go and laze in the Budapest baths this morning after my run! Hope you guys enjoyed the beautiful scenery - it looks amazing after all the rain!

Garth Reynolds

Posted On: 24 Jun 2024 04:58 pm

Nice result for stage 2 guys - hope you are saving some gas for the back end of the race. Maybe now’s the time to mobilise some of that energy you’ve tucked away around the waistline Matt. I finished the Knysna marathon 88th out of 1000ish with a pretty crappy time of 3:50h - was hoping to finish 20 mins earlier but my legs also gave out after 30k and started cramping. Enjoy the conversation with your inner bitch tomorrow as you struggle through stage 3.

Ronan Reynolds

Posted On: 24 Jun 2024 04:28 pm

Good to see you two keeping a good place, keep the effort up. As for now I’m quite happy to view from the sidelines, I like my pain free knees as they are 👍 Seems like you’re getting into the thick of it now, good luck

Lourens Roets

Posted On: 24 Jun 2024 12:45 pm

Well done - another solid innings gents! The Saffas had a nail biting finish to beat the West Indies this morning, but through to the semi's of the T-20 WC. We have all seen this movie before; however, let's hope they write a new script this year! Just stick with your dad and make sure Andy the Landy keeps it in 2nd and 3rd gear! Let's hope Cois's medicine kicks in when the drugs wear off! Well done and enjoy every moment of the experience - it is truly life-long memories! Cheers, Roets-clan

23 June 2024 04:30 pm (GMT+08:00) Irkutsk, Ulaan Bataar

Good first stage, ran the first half and then hit a hill which was intense - got a nice hamstring cramp halfway up. Walked most of the second half but looking forward to tomorrow - sounds like its going to be a tough start. I'm trying my hardest to keep up with dad, definitely the most prepared of us two.

Would love to know the Springboks and Bulls score, please let me know…


Comments: Total (8) comments

T Rajah

Posted On: 24 Jun 2024 07:12 am

Matt and Andy, Congratulations on completing Stage 1. Both of you are looking fantastic out there. Keep up the amazing work and stay strong—you're doing great!

David Grosse

Posted On: 24 Jun 2024 06:11 am

Very well done Matt. Great time from you and the old boy. - don’t let him hold you back once the drugs wear off. Pass on a message to him from the Wheeltappers - there is a cold one waiting for him in DotCod. Bulls lost to Glasgow - oops. T20 cricket semis this week however. If day 3 is like last year watch out for the steep climb out of the back of camp and some hot and nasty dunes later on! . Best DG

Charles Kinsley

Posted On: 24 Jun 2024 12:42 am

Unlike Garth, I hope the cortisone holds for the entire race! Enjoy day 2. Scenery looks great, in case you didn’t notice😉

Lara Reynolds

Posted On: 23 Jun 2024 08:02 pm

You two are looking great! I love the photo! Well done for sticking with dad. I hope you are looking after your feet? Just keep on doing what you guys are doing and get through day 3 and then you are halfway there. We survived the uniform fitting and New boys tea and off to Budapest in the morning. Well done 🤗

Garth Reynolds

Posted On: 23 Jun 2024 07:28 pm

Hey Matt, good to see you survived stage 1 - you have exceeded my expectations already… but if you’re struggling to keep up with the old man, then I’m afraid your defeat seems inevitable. Keen to see if you make it through stage 2. Let us know when dads cortisone injections wear off, I suspect it should be about now. Enjoy the pain - you deserve it. Good luck

Nadine Rolland

Posted On: 23 Jun 2024 03:44 pm

Well done Matthew & Andy. Good luck for tomorrow. David was smilng after the bulls game. The blitzbokke are playing shortly for a spot in the olympics.

Ronan Reynolds

Posted On: 23 Jun 2024 12:05 pm

Hey Matt, good to know you survived, keep it up. Honestly it’s for the best you didn’t see the Bulls game, towards the end there it got excruciating. Stage 2 will prob be a rough one but just take it easy, I’m sure you’ll make it. Think about the bragging rights when it’s over.

Lourens Roets

Posted On: 23 Jun 2024 09:38 am

Howzit, Matt - well done with Stage 1 - solid performance, both of you! Boks won 41 - 13, after leading halftime by only 14 - 13. They looked much better second half and some of the new guys look quite exciting. The Bulls went down to the Warriors unfortunately, by 21 - 16, after the Bulls led by 13 - 0 at Loftus. Stay with the old-Ballie and just look after your feet! Cheers, Roets-clan