Gobi March Blogs 2024

DK Kelliher



Gobi March (2024) blog posts from DK Kelliher

28 June 2024 02:53 pm (GMT+08:00) Irkutsk, Ulaan Bataar

Dk: "Stage 5 was a performance for the ages !” Was the refrain around camp today.  Cooler days and nice running meant I did pretty well for me I think.
Now in camp having a go a falconry.  Had a large one on my arm.  Very cool.  
Just 10km tomorrow which is good as food is ahhhhh. Minimal left.  New backpack is the bees knees Brent. FYI. See ya--

Comments: Total (9) comments

Sharon Grosse

Posted On: 29 Jun 2024 05:50 am

Congratulations DK. Great result over the punishing course and climate. Enjoy a well deserved and welcome rest. 👏👏

Megan Stewart

Posted On: 29 Jun 2024 12:58 am

Hey there stranger, been watching you….well done mate, I miss these races incredibly so thanks for letting me participate from a distance!, with a beer!!! Megs

Greg Norman

Posted On: 28 Jun 2024 11:44 pm

Super effort mate - sounds like it was a grind (as it should be). Congrats, time for a proper meal and a beer or three. Let me know the next adventure, would love you join you.

Tania Charles

Posted On: 28 Jun 2024 10:23 pm

Super awesome, Inia!! And the falconry included - what a great way to finish the stage. Enjoy the last 10 kms, and the pizza and beer at the end!!

Meaghan Kelliher

Posted On: 28 Jun 2024 10:29 am

You’re listed as 33rd / 28th now - got multiples on the same times ahead of you.

Rob Campion

Posted On: 28 Jun 2024 09:09 am

Oh the bravado. …..To be fair, stage 5 was a performance for the aged…….

Meaghan Kelliher

Posted On: 28 Jun 2024 08:28 am

Should have grabbed the falcon while he was on your wrist….. pleased to hear the new whiz bang back pack has been fab. You’re currently listed as 27th/23rd 10kms tomoz will feel like a stroll up to the shops…….. enjoy the post race Celebrations!!

Hayden Stockdale

Posted On: 28 Jun 2024 08:12 am

Nice going DK. Home straight from here. I’ve been holding off on any commentary from here (mojitos on the beach in Greece) for now but I’m sure the relief’s not far off for you.

Brent Kappely

Posted On: 28 Jun 2024 07:47 am

Super effort…so much easier to sit back here and vicariously live life…very proud of you mate

27 June 2024 10:15 pm (GMT+08:00) Irkutsk, Ulaan Bataar

URGH finished the long day...just.. i think around 43rd today. a few hydration issues and a forced stop for half an hour to try and catch up at cp6. I now know what a gag reflex is. Pretty sore and slow day but at least we finished.thx for the comments. 40 km tomorrow so resting and trying to eat. Thx for comments rob -you must have nailed that f45 class Awesome effort, although the fact you type your commments on the sofa munching a bag of doritos and a tub of tip top icecream somewhat diminished your creditbility.  There may be footage of me swordfighting a drone  -  keep an eye out -  theres always one dickhead. We have cloud and some light rain at camp so a welcomebreak from the sun .  Cheers dk


Comments: Total (5) comments

Connell W

Posted On: 29 Jun 2024 06:14 pm

Hey DK, top effort mate! Great watching your progress..

Kerri Mcshane

Posted On: 27 Jun 2024 08:35 pm

Awesome stuff DK. You have this ..almost done.

Meaghan Kelliher

Posted On: 27 Jun 2024 07:42 pm

Just a marathon today - you’ll be fine! Last circa 7hrs then feet up, food & sleep….. Crack on. Mx

Rob Campion

Posted On: 27 Jun 2024 07:23 pm

Man that was a long day following your ‘progress’. Can you speed it up today as we all have stuff to do? I knocked out an f45 and 6km run today. Still haven’t felt the need to start a blog but I guess that’s where you and I differ. Well earned recovery day for me today! Bernie and I have started a market on how many people have scored the trifecta with you…….Bernie running the book and suggested 6-7 which you will be pleased to know I sold! It about now that you start ‘borrowing’ other competitors food…..Hope your scrummaging has been as successful as Oz. As the saying goes…..”only a marathon left.” Keep rolling!!

Bernie Ballbag

Posted On: 27 Jun 2024 03:08 pm

Scenes out of dune 3.... Top work mate

25 June 2024 05:30 pm (GMT+08:00) Irkutsk, Ulaan Bataar

Day 3 completed. A couple of nice climbs but open sun all day so a bit dehdrated again dammit

Finished today in 31st i think so pretty chuffed with that.
Thx for comments.
Rob, the event director asked if am i still mates with the guys who dropped compulsory gear cos “it was too heavy” in the Australian race in a breach of rules, then complained at night he was cold and got people to eat some of their food to drop further weight!. Long day tomorrow day 4, so better get some rest

Comments: Total (8) comments

Brent Kappely

Posted On: 26 Jun 2024 11:41 pm

Great effort on day 4 mate. Home stretch now. How’s the super lightweight bag holding up?

Sam Fanshawe

Posted On: 26 Jun 2024 09:30 am

Can't help but laugh everytime I see you still in your tight white outfit!! It's great for spotting you in the photos and probably good for your kids to laugh at you. You're doing great - strong finishes each day. Keep it up! @Rob - Mary has an amazing memory certain moments at the races! @David - you should be doing the course briefings.

Vanessa Wells

Posted On: 26 Jun 2024 06:26 am

By cripes what an amazing thing you are doing! That place looks insane to run through! Go well tomorrow (today? whatever!)!! V and J

Bernie O'Fagan

Posted On: 25 Jun 2024 08:50 pm

Go you Champ!. Its the big 100km day today (day 4) !!

Wilma Raumati

Posted On: 25 Jun 2024 02:10 pm

I think you are doing well.love from the family.

Rob Campion

Posted On: 25 Jun 2024 10:27 am

We only interested in top 20 places Meaghan!

Rob Campion

Posted On: 25 Jun 2024 10:25 am

DK Each day we seem to have to scroll further and further down the results list to find your name. I do hope this a classic case of the hare and the tortoise! Have you thrown a tantrum yet when you get into camp and find all the tents are already full. Wasn’t it “well I will just go to the next site.” Had a pretty full on session at f45 today……..I might set up a blog so people can comment and add encouraging words like I have done for you. Tomorrow a hybrid cardio and resistance day so likely to be pretty hectic 🤣….. Have fun on the long day!!

Meaghan Kelliher

Posted On: 25 Jun 2024 10:14 am

Just to add to my email. - FYI - youre listed as 27th rank overall - 22nd Male. We will check in on live feed for long march tomorrow

24 June 2024 06:03 pm (GMT+08:00) Irkutsk, Ulaan Bataar

 So finished day2 in 33nd pl.
A tale of two halves. 
Went out well but got behind on water and that was it for the last 20km or so-  pretty slow.
In camp now a bit crappy but as they say take a concrete pill and harden up.
Also went off piste missing a turnoff and added an extra 15 mins. Lucky I realised. Amateur error. Wandered into a Ger ( yurt) where RTP were presenting a large lithium battery to a local nomadic family. Lots of smiles so that we really nice, they are doing this along the course along with trusty exercise/ drawing books and lots pens etc donated by competitors.
We had a music session on night 1 with Mongolian traditional music and gotta say it was really good. There’s also been mongoloian thrash metal on the boom box in camp every now and then with pretty cool vocals. 
Anyway, thats enough, need some noodles and electrolytes to try and recover for tomorrow.
The Garmin watch is having a fit today ( you need 3 days recovery!!). Cheers do--

Comments: Total (5) comments


Posted On: 26 Jun 2024 09:11 pm

Bah - noodles. Just keep thinking of that salad bar at the end 🤣 Glad to hear you took the time to take a detour and meet some locals - when else would you be able to do that?!

Hayden Stockdale

Posted On: 25 Jun 2024 05:08 am

Nice going DK. Keep it up.

Rob Campion

Posted On: 24 Jun 2024 09:19 pm

Blues Won!! That should give you some inspiration that if they can get up…..so to can you!! Have you identified the tent mate with whom you are going to ‘borrow’ their last meal?

Tania Charles

Posted On: 24 Jun 2024 08:49 pm

Ka rawe Inia! Doing awesome after Day 2. Can't wait to see what Garmin thinks of your rest time by the end of the event!!! haha.

David Grosse

Posted On: 24 Jun 2024 11:37 am

DK - you are going well old boy. Good to see you back in the mix. Many congrats. Should you run low on suitably hard pharmaceuticals - ask Andy Reynolds - he has so much in the backpack he rattles when he runs. Also ask his son (Matt) how on earth he is managing to run along side his dad the whole way - that is what earphones are for i guess. Not sure if the course is the same as last year....but if so, have fun on the steep climb out of the camp first thing, and there are some cuddly dunes in the middle if the heat picks up. Keep enjoying and keep running. Cheers DG

23 June 2024 08:00 pm (GMT+08:00) Irkutsk, Ulaan Bataar

So day one done and dusted.

I’d say a pretty soft intro but wide open steppes with rocky outcrops and green plains, with herds of horses creating some interest.

Mild start in clear sun was a change after the several inches snow in Ulanbattar getting everyeon worried.

Now at camp two next to a family living in a Ger ( Yurt). Nomadic people who move herds and home with the seasons.

So I think I finished top 30 or so today so might have gone a bit fast day one. 45 km day tomorrow will sort things out.

Only 5 in out tent ( 6 scheduled) so I’ve got more room to spread my pack around ! One other kiwi, an American, an Argentinan and Brazilian in the tent so I’ve already got on the wrong side asking about “soccer”. 

Anyway, better go feast on some noodles--

Comments: Total (3) comments

Eva Stockdale

Posted On: 26 Jun 2024 09:08 pm

Amazing DK. Super impressed. Keep it up!!!

Vanessa Wells

Posted On: 24 Jun 2024 04:06 am

Woohoo! Great pics - go well Day 2!!

Meaghan Kelliher

Posted On: 23 Jun 2024 04:27 pm

Great result! The contortionist was interesting. At airport to head home now 4.30am - hopefully kids both made it on time Have a great day 2 love all of us