Gobi March Blogs 2025

Ananda Baatar



Gobi March (2025) blog posts from Ananda Baatar

10 January 2025 10:25 am (GMT+08:00) Irkutsk, Ulaan Bataar

My Winter Training

As we all know, Mongolia is one of the coldest countries in the world. Especially in winter, the average daytime temperature reaches minus 15 degrees Celsius (5 degrees Fahrenheit). This extreme cold is the hardest part of my training. The fear of getting cold or giving up from the start is always present. So, I switched my running to indoors from the end of last October, trying not to pressure myself. This has helped me maintain my endurance for long-distance running.

Finding People Who Run for Their Dreams

Transferring my training indoors wasn’t enough for me. My strength was not good enough to carry my overall 10kg load. So, we did some research online and tried to find other runners. As the saying goes, “Where there’s a will, there’s a way.” I found some runners’ meetings and morning in-class trainings. We started doing in-class training with other runners who run for different purposes. Some of them train only for the Ulaanbaatar Marathon in May, while others are almost professional runners aiming to compete in world-class competitions before their prime age passes.

Their weekly meetings start with experience sharing. During my first week, there was a cardiologist who had been running for several years. The next week’s speaker was a professional runner, and the week after that, a dietitian. After their experience sharing, they do slow outdoor runs in the National Park. My fear is finally facing me and challenging me. Currently, I have the flu, and due to a severe sore throat, my neck has torticollis, so I still avoiding the ourdoor running session. But I will start again anyway. That time, I could share my share my experience or give some tips how to run in cold temperature. :)

Overall, my preparation goes day by day, as the saying goes, “The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.”


Comments: Total (2) comments

Jody Van Zanten

Posted On: 06 Mar 2025 05:35 pm

Hi Ananda! Training during winter sounds like an adventure in itself. I look forward to meeting you at Gobi March and wish you good training these next few months!

Mary Gadams

Posted On: 12 Jan 2025 02:09 pm

Ananda, I can't even imagine how cold it is in Mongolia. Do you run in the snow? I believe snow running is great training. Getting together with others is great, and a perfect way to stay inspired especially during the cold and dark months. We can't wait to you meet you in June. Mary

02 October 2024 10:48 pm (GMT+08:00) Irkutsk, Ulaan Bataar

Hello everyone!

Welcome to my first blog post! I’m Ananda, a participant in the Gobi March 2025 from Mongolia. I’m thrilled to embark on this incredible adventure, though I must admit, I’m a bit nervous since this will be my very first ultra marathon.

It all started last summer on a sunny day when my best friend Tsatska described me a vlog she had watched. She was so amazed and inspired by it. Then she asked if I wanted to join her and her husband in the race?

I paused for a few minutes, thinking it over, and then asked her back, “Is there anyone, besides your husband, who always supports your craziest ideas and is ready to join without hesitation?” She paused for a moment and then replied, “You, Ananda! No one else.”  This is how it begins!

Now, I am super exicted and want to see where this journey takes me.

I’ll be posting updates over the next few months. If you have any questions about Mongolia or Ulaanbaatar, feel free to drop a questions. I’d be happy to share what I know in my next bloggs!

Comments: Total (2) comments

Mary Gadams

Posted On: 20 Nov 2024 03:59 am

Ananda, I can't wait to meet you. Any tips on must see places in Mongolia? What are things to do in Ulaanbaatar? I hope the training continues to go well as I know it's cold there now. All the best, Mary

Sandy Suckling

Posted On: 20 Nov 2024 03:50 am

How exciting for you that it is your first 4 deserts event and that you live on Mongolia. Very Special. I have never been to Mongolia so looking forward to checking things out the few days before the race. Sandy