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RacingThePlanet Blogs 2024

PostsRacingThePlanet (2024) blog posts from Sal Powell
26 September 2024 02:05 pm (GMT+03:00) Kuwait, Riyadh
25 September 2024 07:54 am (GMT+03:00) Kuwait, Riyadh
Comments: Total (1) comments
Melissa Tuffley
Posted On: 26 Sep 2024 04:09 am
25 September 2024 07:53 am (GMT+03:00) Kuwait, Riyadh
23 September 2024 08:05 am (GMT+03:00) Kuwait, Riyadh
Comments: Total (4) comments
Kerrie Hukins
Posted On: 23 Sep 2024 10:19 pm
Kerrie Hukins
Posted On: 23 Sep 2024 10:19 pm
Wendy Blucher
Posted On: 23 Sep 2024 10:13 pm
Ben Gadams
Posted On: 23 Sep 2024 07:20 pm
01 September 2024 04:32 pm (GMT+10:00) Brisbane
As I prepare for my 3rd RTP event this year ..also only my 3rd time running this distance.
I wonder at what point do I just throw some things in a bag and and arrive at the start line knowing exactly what I am wearing, eating , drinking ..etc. So many times people have said “ well if you just do what you did last time you should be ok” ..
If only it was that simple!
My training plan for yesterday read “4hrs on trail with pack”
NOOOOOOOOOOOOO ! Please don’t make me wear that pack…but ok off I go..easy!
Being diligent I followed instructions but only made my pack 8kg which turned out to be a very good decision. My pack weight in the 2 previous races has been 10-12kg . That is just too heavy for me, so tough decisions have to be made. My pack yesterday felt “comfy” ie comfortable but heavy! Note to self :MAXIMUM PACK WEIGHT IS 8KG
The other reality check from yesterday’s run was the heat. Our Brisbane winters are mild to say the least but safe to say we skipped spring and went straight to summer, with a 35degree day (? 95 fahrenheit).
I thought brilliant timing…perfect for race simulation…more desert like weather. I will get up at 6am, eat breakfast as if I am in camp, tape feet in the places I got blisters at Gobi (different places to Namibia), pack bag perfectly and get ready in a calm relaxed manner..no stress…just like Namibia and Gobi..( ISN”T THAT RIGHT KEITH 😊)
I had everything set out perfectly…carb bottle labelled with a C, electrolytes labelled with E (genius). Electro”lytes” on the “right” is my mantra. As fatigue set in and taste buds went in race 1 and 2, I couldn’t remember what was what. Failproof and fool proof system as long as the lids go on the correct bottle 😊Yep fail 1 – easily fixed !
A few last minute toilet visits (no frogs but lots of spiders) meant I was then late for the “Start line”, aka the trail I was running with a tolerant friend. Remaining totally calm of course, I hurried along and off we went.
It wasn’t long before the memories came back as to what running with a pack, in the heat and up hills felt like. HARD !! Why were my eyes stinging from the sunscreen suddenly….oh the buff…I didn’t pack the buff. FAIL number 2.
We were having a lovely day, beautiful scenery, happy chatting as always, except up the hills!! It seemed we were going UP more than DOWN. Why did it feel like my heart rate was soaring and beating so hard. This is the time I am meant to feel great…why am I feeling soooo bad. I would actually like to curl up and have a little nap !! Nope…”don’t sleep on the course” Sam said to me during one conversation. Race simulation day – don’t sleep on the course! Time to reach for my tiny teddy biscuits then!! Perfect just what I needed for a little boost.
We reached our 10km stop “checkpoint” and I pulled my 2 bottles out to refill…I had only drink 500ml total !!!!! Well that explains why I am struggling. I was having such a lovely time that I wasn’t even looking at what I was eating or drinking. My friend isn’t much of an eater or drinker when running and I guess I applied the same approach. During a race, by the time I get to a checkpoint I am ready to refill min 1.5litres. FAIL 3.
Needless to say it was a hard day at the office but we got it done. I spent the afternoon in bed, had a migraine, and didn’t start to feel better until around 6pm after a packet of salty chips.
The day wasn’t a total fail however. In fact it was perfect…Things went wrong BEFORE race day. It reminded me how important eating and drinking is especially in hot weather. My clothes were comfy. The company was great. You never tire of genuinely nice interesting people. I must remember my buff. I love my salami sticks and savoury is better than sweet…but most of all I am lucky to be able to go out and run AND I still have so much to learn! AND I can’t wait to get to Jordan in 21 days to learn more tricks from experienced runners!!!
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