The Last Desert Blogs 2024

James Crowe



The Last Desert (2024) blog posts from James Crowe

25 August 2024 05:34 pm (GMT-06:00) Central Time(US & Canada)

It's been over 90 degrees here this week in Nashville, TN, and a little hard to imagine running in bitter cold. But I've started dreaming about it. Visualizing. 

Most of my exercise energy in the last month or so has been consumed by researching and assembling all of the required gear for this race. I did Atacama Oct 2023 and Gobi 2024, so I'm good on all the gear for a stage race in >100°F. But gathering the gear for this race has been a process marked by next-level complexity.

A special and gratifying part of this race is that my son is coming with me, and is preparing for the Antarctica Ultramarathon. I'm especially excited about that.

Comments: Total (1) comments

Rob James

Posted On: 28 Aug 2024 01:35 pm

James - am with you on the gear and the heat - where to try out running in all the kit and spikes??!! Look forward to meeting you both in November!