Volunteer applications are welcome throughout the year. Volunteers are selected on an ongoing basis as we have space available. Volunteer places are in high demand, so apply early.
RacingThePlanet seeks an international and diverse group of high-caliber individuals to serve as volunteers. Selection criteria includes the ability to speak English. We also consider prior event experience, additional languages, staff member and / or competitor recommendations, special skills, outdoor experience, fitness level and, most importantly, positive attitude. Volunteer selection is made on an ongoing basis according to the needs of each event. Volunteers typically range from 21-80+ years of age. Great effort is made to select a wide range of ages, nationalities and backgrounds.
Each event has 16-20 volunteers who work closely with the management team. Volunteer training takes place 1-2 days before the event. Volunteers assist with competitor check-in and are assigned to checkpoints and the campsite to administer water and scorekeeping, 'sweep' the course (by walking at the back of the pack in each Stage), 'rove' the course (which involves walking or riding in a vehicle to check on competitors on the course), and a handful of other assignments which may vary according to event. Many assignments will change throughout the week - the days can be long and the work intense at times. For those selected, the experience is extraordinary.
Prior to the event, we provide specialised training in the areas of checkpoint set-up and procedures, Camp duties and procedures, emergency procedures, competitor relations, radio and satellite communications, sweeping and media (Cybertent) operations. The skills learned as a volunteer are invaluable.
The volunteer experience is set up to be almost identical to that of the competitor, except that you work as support and have access to a 4x4 vehicle. Volunteers are expected to also be self-supported while on the course, carrying their own food (water and a place in a tent are provided) and minimal equipment. In addition, volunteers are provided with hotel accommodations and meals before and after the event (including the Awards Banquet). Volunteers are also given an official race top(s) and cap.
Volunteer applications are welcome throughout the year. Volunteers are selected on an ongoing basis as we have space available. Volunteer places are in high demand, so apply early. To apply for a place, complete the online volunteer application. If you have additional questions, contact us at [email protected].
Applications to join our Medical Teams are welcome throughout the year. Medical teams are selected on an ongoing basis as we have space available by each Medical Director. Medical Directors have typically been members of numerous Medical Teams before being invited to be a Medical Director. Places on the Medical Teams are in high demand, so apply early.
RacingThePlanet seeks individuals who are fully qualified medical doctors with several years of post-residency experience. Members of medical teams typically have completed a Wilderness Medicine Fellowship and / or have a deep passion for working in the outdoors. A Medical Team is typically composed of four or more medical doctors with emergency medicine and / or orthopaedic specialties. In addition, a Medical Doctor may be onsite to conduct medical research as part of a pre-approved project.
The Medical Director works closely with the Race Director and arrives on location 1 - 2 days before the competitors arrive to visit local hospitals. Members of the Medical Team typically work at checkpoints and Camp, and may be asked to 'rove', checking on competitors in the field. A special Medical Tent is set up at each campsite where competitors may seek medical assistance. For those selected, the experience is extraordinary.
Prior to the race, we provide specialised training in the areas of checkpoint set-up and procedures, camp duties and procedures, emergency procedures, competitor relations, radio and satellite communications and sweeping. The skills learned as a member of the Medical Team are invaluable.
The Medical Team supports all competitors and will have access to a 4x4 vehicle. The Medical Team are expected to also be self-supported while on the course, carrying their own food (water and a place in a tent are provided) and minimal equipment. In addition, the Medical Team is provided with hotel accommodations and meals before and after the event (including the Awards Banquet). Medical Teams are also given an official race top(s) and cap.
Medical Team applications are welcome throughout the year. Medical Teams are selected on an ongoing basis as we have space available. Medical Team places are in high demand, so apply early. To apply for a place, complete the online medical team application. If you have additional questions, contact us at [email protected].
Media applications are welcome throughout the year. Media team members are selected on an ongoing basis as we have space available. Media team places are in high demand, so apply early.
To apply for a place, complete the online media team application. If you have additional questions, contact us at [email protected].